Note from DVC

Hello Campers,

Camp Meeting - It has been a few months since camp meeting when we enjoyed the presence of God and fellowship together. This gathering is always such a highlight and the fellowship together is always a great part of coming together as well as the great services. I was reminded of this as I watched the minister's fellowshipping in the hall, the young people hanging around Cherise's Court, the children by the playground, the lot holders visiting neighboring lots, and especially watching the crew complete the siding on the dorms. Lots of work was done with lots of laughs.

Special Offering - Thanks to all those that made pledges for the complete renovations of the bathrooms our pledge amount was just over $40,000 and some of this has come trickling in since then. This is a little less that we need for this project but we are hoping to save material and labour costs with God's help and with your help. Please make plans to have your pledged amount submitted to Bro Foster by designating a cheque to 2012 Special Camp Offering and then send it directly to his office or submit it through your local church by designating the offering on one of your church envelopes. These pledges are due as soon as possible, the deadline being Dec 31, 2012.

Bathroom Project -The planning around the new bathrooms is underway with a completion target of May 2013 with the work taking place in the months of April-May 2013 before the rental season is underway. Our Building Committee Director, Pastor Ron Ens has already began speaking to various individuals so that we can have specialists in place to complete portions of the project, like roofing, framing, wall finishing, plumbing, concrete, tiling and landscaping. If you are able to help with these areas or lend a hand, please let me know and we will include you in the planning. It will be great to have these done and celebrate this during camp meeting next year.

Rental Income - As the fall season arrives and the rain begins to descend it marks the end of the busy rental season. The 2012 rental season has been one of our best yet with our revenues jumping nearly $10,000 to close to $24,000. Thank the Lord for this growth - it is coming at the right time. As we grow and collect outstanding monies, we are seeing our financial picture improve but more work needs to be done. We have some income generation projects underway which will be shared in future newsletters.

Project Help - Following the falling of the trees around the camp, there remains some significant clean up that needs to be done. As well, we will be able to burn once the wet weather dampens the ground and foliage. We are planning on having work crews on the grounds sometime in Jan.-Feb depending on the weather. We will need lots of help to haul brush, cut up limbs, chop and pile firewood and with chipping and burning. We will be contacting the area pastors to notify you of the precise dates. When the dates are announced please try to free yourself up for these work days and contact me so we can plan for your coming and let you know further details.

Thank you to all for your faithful support of your camp, Dogwood Valley Camp and its properties. God has blessed us with this great treasure and your support and continued stewardship is greatly appreciated.


Russell Garrett
DVC Business Manager

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Reaching Your Muslim Neighbour Seminar
July 9th, 9:30 am
Rosedale on Robson Hotel
Chevalier Room